  1. So here's what I learned since last time:
    The Magic Bullet is amazing
  2. Even if you can mash fruits or vegetables, it may be easier to get out the machine and puree them (especially for babies who are very new to solids as they get much more smooth that way)
  3. Adding just a splash of water to the avocado mash makes it less of a chunky mash and more of a smooth puree.  You can add water, breastmilk, or formula to acheive desired consistency for your child.
  4. My baby is not too sure if she likes avocado.
   My daughter seems to have a love/hate relationship with avocados.  Yesterday was day 4 of avocado puree and she seems to enjoy them quite a bit more than the fist day (when she literally spit avocado back at me). The avocado she ate yesterday was pureed in a food processor with a splash of water, rather than mashed with a fork so it was much smoother which is part of why I think she enjoyed it more. 
Later today I plan on giving her bananas for the first time which I'm anticipating she will like a little better.  Bananas are a great 1st food for baby because they are well tolerated, are nutritious (since they don't need to be cooked or steamed they retain all of their nutrients), and are quick and easy to prepare. Find out why bananas are a great choice for one of your baby's first foods here.
To prepare them, I quite simply:
1. Peel and slice the bananas
2. Place the slices in the magic bullet and puree them until they are a smooth, slightly liquified puree (alternatively, you can mash well-ripened bananas with a fork or spoon). 
3. If necessary, add water, breastmilk, or formula to acheive desired consistency (this is probably less necessary if you use a food processor)
4. Spoon the banana puree into approximately 1tb servings into  an ice tray, freeze them, and pop the cubes into a large freezer bag.  Remember to label all your bags of frozen baby food cubes with the type of food and date and to store them as far back in the freezer as possible (and never on the door.)
Here are some good foods to mix with bananas once your baby has tolerated each of them independently:
Sweet Potatoes

Ready to puree.

Pureed bananas.

Ready to freeze.

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